Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 7- What the plumbing?

That's right, there's plumbing in there! I would have never guessed that would be the case. I thought soffits were purely decorative! This was a huge problem since our cabinets go to the ceiling! Fortunately for us we need storage in our laundry room... so you guessed it, the tall cabinets are going in there and we're ordering new cabinets for under the blasted soffit! It's not really a big deal since we have to place an order for the stuff that Ikea didn't get us/got wrong on our initial trip up there. Don't you worry, we're still going to get our soffit-less look. My handy hubby has a plan. Keep reading and you'll see in the weeks to come!

Home improvement never goes smoothly when you aren't really experienced! We have found that out time and time again. For us, it's the only way we could afford this, so even though we get frustrated, we just have to smile and move on!

Weeks 5 and 6- Grout and Shopping

On week 5 we grouted the floor. This went pretty quickly. Travis put the grout on and I cleaned it up. The floor still doesn't look as good as it could because the dust is still settling, but it turned out great. The grout is white, although we thought we were getting a color that matched the tile. It'll work, but I'll just have to be more careful and clean more! I haven't taken any pictures of it, but you'll see it in the finished photos!

On week 6 we took one nightmarish road trip to pick up our cabinets. The whole trip was a disaster and we ended up coming home with some of the wrong things and some stuff missing. (This was noticed after the 5 hour trip home.) I have to say that the price is probably worth it, but the customer service is rotten at Ikea in Schaumburg, Il.

There are cabinets filling up my back room. It's a good thing we decided to finish the kitchen before the back room!